Where is capitalism taking us and what are the alternatives?
Come, take part in an easy to understand visual presentation using drawings and puppets
6;15pm Thursday 28th Sept
Papa’s Café 10-17 Pulross Road
Brixton, London SW9 8AF
Capitalism is covered in mystery and misinformation. We’re told that it is a fair system that provides for the needs everyone and if you work hard you will be rewarded. This is a lie and we can see the contradictions very easily!

Andrew Cooper is an artist specialising in producing drawings, banners and carvings which are used in campaigns for social justice more info
Eric Ogbogbo has been actively involved in campaign for social justice and has written about imperialism –more info

Why do we have job insecurity, poverty wages and brutal benefit sanctions?
Why in a world of incredible technology are working conditions for so many worsening?
*Around one in five of the UK population (20%) were in poverty in 2020/21
*In 2006, 18.1% of workers were subject to precarious employment by 2016, that had risen to 22.2%, an increase of 2 million people
*One in 58 Homeless in London
*1.4 million on zero hours contracts in the UK
*21% paid less than Living Wage in the Uk
*In 2022/23, approximately 384,477 people used a food-banks in London, an increase of 99,790 when compared to the previous year.
*The richest 10% of the global population take home 52% of the total worlds income
*The poorest half of the global population take just 8%. and inequality is growing.
*We are using the equivalent of 1.6 Earths to maintain our current way of life and ecosystems cannot keep up with our demands.
We will look at what Marx has to say about what actually creates work and unemployment in capitalism.
Illustrations and demonstrations will be used to explore and introduce Marx’s ideas, which we will engage with together.
It’s up to the majority of people in this world who either have to work or fight for a decreasing amount to live on if unemployed often facing malnutrition, to fight for social justice and end a system based on exploitation while we can.
Marx demonstrates that capitalism is, beyond appearance, a system of exploitation, which results in the increasing degradation of human labour, the destruction of the environment and imperialist war. It is a parasitic system in decay and we are right to resist so come along…
Marx shows it doesn’t have to be this way, another world is possible!
Knowledge and power belong to us all!